Monday, June 13, 2016

Our Matariki shared lunch

On Friday we had a Matariki shared lunch.  We were asked to bring in a plate of food which our whanau likes and that we eat at home.  We had so much yummy food including home made luncheon, hot chips, lamingtoms, weetbix slice, rice bubble cakes and milk tart (a South African recipe).  We then went to the hall to watch the Kapa haka group perform.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Our Matariki Kites

Room 13's Matariki Kites

In room 13 we have become experts at making Matariki kites.  My job was to be an expert at soft materials.

I learnt about weaving and making Matariki Kite shapes.  It was interesting because I got to decorate it with pipe cleaners and solour paper and shells.

My teams kite was the best because it had weaving on it and shells and pipe cleaners.  It was so fun!
By Aliya


We loved our trip to Stardome.  We learnt about how Day and Night occurs and also about gravity.  Our favourite part was in the theatre.  We got to explore all the planets and learn more about them.